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Startup Spotlight:

Our community boasts a vibrant array of startups, each with a unique journey and story. The Startup Spotlight series introduces their ventures, exploring their inspirations, challenges, and successes. This week, we feature Christian López, founder of, who gives his advice for other startups and shares the ups and downs of his journey as a founder so far.

How did you come up with the idea for the business?

The idea for came from a challenging period during the pandemic when I lost my job, and with it, the ability to maintain the boat that I loved using for fishing. Fishing and being on the sea have always been my passions, and even though I lost the boat, I never lost the desire to be on the water. This situation inspired me, along with other entrepreneurs and business owners, to create If you don't have a friend with a boat or know someone who rents one, you typically don't have access to the sea. This inspired me to create a platform that simplifies the process, making boating more accessible and affordable for everyone. I wanted to create the "Airbnb of yachts" in Mexico, where people could easily rent boats and have incredible experiences on the water.

Why does the industry need the solution you're providing?

The boating industry needs because it fills a significant gap. Traditional boat rental services are often expensive, not easily accessible to the average person, and frequently unreliable. They depend on a WhatsApp message or an informal broker who charges based on your nationality.

By creating a peer-to-peer platform, we are democratising access to boating, allowing boat owners to monetise their vessels during the ten months of the year when they are typically stored away. This gives more people the opportunity to enjoy the water. This not only benefits the users but also boosts local economies and supports marine conservation through increased awareness and responsible boating practices. Additionally, it lets people tell the world they now have a friend with a yacht always ready to sail, called

What have you enjoyed most about starting your own company?

Building this ship from scratch, assembling a passionate team, and navigating the ups and downs of the startup journey have been both exhilarating and fulfilling. There have been many emotions and responsibilities on this journey, but with the coordinates well set, we will reach our destination. We know where we want to go, but not exactly how to get there, and this crew is willing to row day and night to keep the ship moving forward.

What challenges did you have to overcome at the beginning of your journey?

At the beginning of our journey, we faced several challenges, including securing initial funding, building a user-friendly platform, and gaining the trust of both boat owners and renters. Convincing boat owners to list their vessels and assuring renters of the safety and reliability of the service were significant hurdles. It was a major challenge to make people believe in an idea that was gradually becoming a reality.

Any bits of advice for entrepreneurs getting started in this space?

For entrepreneurs getting started in this space, my advice would be to adventure, take the plunge, try it, but above all, DO IT. It's not easy, but it is fun. If you combine passion, hard work, and a sense of adventure, you'll inevitably find joy in the journey.

What's the plan for the future of the business? Where do you see the company in 3-5 years?

Looking ahead, we see ourselves as the leading maritime reference in Mexico within a year, expanding across Latin America in three years, and ultimately spreading our message worldwide: now you have a friend with a yacht always ready to sail.


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