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Startup Spotlight: Rotat

We have a vibrant and diverse group of startups in our community, each with its own unique journey and entrepreneurial story. The Startup Spotlight series aims to introduce you to their ventures. This week, we feature Tomasz Pankowski, the innovator behind Rotat, a software poised to revolutionise rotation management in the yachting industry.

Why does the industry need the solution you're providing?

The MyRotat software is fully automated, so it reduces the time HODs spend on rotation planning and calendar management, allowing them to focus on more strategic tasks. With more predictable and transparent scheduling, employee satisfaction improves significantly.


By building and maintaining an up-to-date database, MyRotat eliminates common errors associated with manual entry. We all know that time is important in our industry, this is why our solution is needed. What is also important to me is customer satisfaction. Our product is flexible and can be customised for specific needs.


What have you enjoyed most about starting your own company?

Being in charge of something that can change the industry. Every day is exciting. The next exciting thing will be seeing my ideas come to life. It's something that I really enjoy and if the user is happy, that's even better!

What challenges did you have to overcome at the beginning of your journey?

It is still the beginning, but finding the right people that could understand and believe in my project was challenging. As we all know, it is very difficult to build a team that will support each other and when there is a problem come up with solutions.

What's the plan for the future of the business? Where do you see the company in 3-5 years?

We would like to take over this area of crew management! I have a lot of ideas for new functionalities and how to improve our existing ones. I am highly motivated and believe in my product. MyRotat will change the industry!


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